
Sarcoma Academy Webinar Series

Topics presented by
renowned experts.

The Sarcoma Academy Webinar Series is a bi-monthly international online education event for all interested sarcoma experts around the world. It covers top notch topics from world renowned experts in the field.

CME accreditation: Collect credits and get your certificate (minimum of 30 minutes of participation)

Important topics from the sarcoma field

Webinars are free of charge, pre-registration is required

Past webinars may also be viewed on our YouTube channel

Upcoming Webinars

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12 Dec
In-Depth Exploration of Necrosis in Soft Tissue Sarcomas

17:00 - 18:15 CET

Unveiling the Role of Necrosis in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Therapy: Prognostic Insights and Clinical Implications, presented by Beata Bode (Lucerne, SWITZERLAND), Hans Roland Dürr (Munich, GERMANY), Dian Wang (Chicago, USA), Arash Naghavi (Tampa, USA) and Julien Montreuil (Miami, USA) moderated by international panel of experts

Webinar Invitation

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